PyTAK is used by many CoT & TAK gateways:
airtak: ADS-B to TAK Gateway appliance
- AirTAK is a purpose built field-deployable device for gatewaying ADS-B to TAK.
aiscot: Automatic Identification System (AIS) to TAK Gateway
- Transforms marine AIS position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
adsbcot: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) to TAK Gateway
- Transforms aircraft ADS-B (over-the-air) position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
adsbxcot: ADS-B Exchange to TAK Gateway
- Transforms aircraft ADS-B (Internet aggregator) position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
stratuxcot: Stratux ADS-B to TAK Gateway
- Transforms aircraft ADS-B (Stratux receiver)position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
aprscot: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) to TAK Gateway
- Transforms amateur (ham) radio APRS position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
spotcot: Globalstar SPOT to TAK Gateway
- Transforms Globalstar SPOT satellite position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
inrcot: Garmin inReach to TAK Gateway
- Transforms inReach satellite position messages to TAK Cursor on Target.
zellocot: Zello to TAK Gateway
- Transforms ZelloWork user locations to TAK Cursor on Target.